This school holidays Girl Geek Academy is inviting over 70 young girls to attend the world’s first ever hackathon for girls ages 5-8. Miss Makes Code will be held at Templestowe College in Victoria, Australia from 9am-3.30pm on September 22, 2016. Find out more and buy tickets here: Girl Geek Academy CEO said #MissMakesCode is a deliberately curated learning experience… Continue Reading
This is a video snapshot of #SheHacks 2016, held at General Assembly on July 22. This video was made possible with the amazing team from Lunamik’s support. We fell in love with their work and they agreed to partner with us on capturing the magic of #SheHacks. If you’re looking to create an event video, promote a product or capture a… Continue Reading
On July 30-31 we launched #MissMakes3D – digital fabrication and 3D printing workshops for junior girl geeks! In partnership with Museum Victoria, we ran workshops with 3D Doodlers in the TEST LAB at Scienceworks Test Lab is a temporary, pop-up maker space for older children to come and try making all types of things and be inspired by innovations… Continue Reading
[kleo_gap] Maecenas nec ultrices massa. Quisque orci diam, malesuada id augue nec, faucibus interdum dolor. Curabitur sagittis, felis porttitor placerat rhoncus, mauris diam sollicitudin nisl, sed luctus nulla sem non velit. Fusce a libero ullamcorper, volutpat orci ut, suscipit erat. Morbi tempor tortor vel urna lobortis. Hendrerit faucibus massa consequat. Vivamus feugiat sapien massa, non luctus purus scelerisque et. Donec… Continue Reading
I’ve been working in tech for around 4-5 years. About 2.5 years ago I started teaching myself to build iPhone apps in Objective-C. As someone new to development, I started looking at ways to learn more about programming and meet other developers in the tech industry I was already part of. When I asked for suggestions for events I could… Continue Reading
She Hacks 2016 profile photos At #SheHacks 2016, we set up a photo studio to take portraits of our hackers, hipsters and hustlers. We firmly believe in raising the profile of women in our industry, and we like to make sure we start with amazing profile pics! These photos were made possible by our delightful photographer Bri Hammond. Continue Reading
Sticks and Stones [kleo_gap] #SheHacks Winner 2016 – Most Creative Sticks & Stones is a web app aimed at educating children about the impact of their language. Illustrated extra-terrestrial characters accompany users through scenarios in which sexist language is being used and then encouraged to provide an alternative, non-discriminatory response. This product is intended to be offered as part of a… Continue Reading
#SheHacks 2016 – SheCounts A women’s life doesn’t stop after children and our goal is to skill women who wish to return to the tech world and feel they may be out of touch with the fast-paced industry. Here at #shecounts, we understand that every woman matters and provides a beneficial aspect to every work place. We’re here to provide the… Continue Reading
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