If we want to see more girls building startups and pursuing careers in technology, we have to make it an attractive career choice as early in their lives as possible. Today Girl Geek Academy hosted eleven young women from Korowa Girls School in a career and workplace immersion day. One of four around the city, these young women were interested… Continue Reading
Welcome to the MVP of the Girl Geek Academy podcast. We captured some of the stories of women in games at our event #SheMakes_Games, held as part of Melbourne International Games Week. Join Sarah and Lisy as they preview what’s ahead! Continue Reading
Congratulations to Duyen Ho – the winner of the inaugural Girl Geek Academy Scholarship! Duyen will complete General Assembly’s Web Development Immersive Scholarship WDI9 from September 26th to December 15th 2016. Duyen has been trying to make a career change into web development for a full year. She has been teaching herself to code for the past six months. She spends every… Continue Reading
#MissMakesCode is almost here and before the day we wanted to let you know a few things. On arrival 9.00 amGuardians and their MissMakers should arrive at the main entrance of Templestowe College, 7 Cypress Ave, Templestowe Lower VIC 3107 and head to B Block where there will be a registration desk at the turn off from the main corridor. Please… Continue Reading
#SheHacks 2016 – WomenWelcomeWomen [kleo_gap] This idea came from our frustration that we cannot do anything about Australian government’s policy towards refugees combined with our own experiences as immigrants to Australia. We have all struggled to settle in, whether figuring out how the trams work – how to get a driver’s license, or what the best brand of milk is… Continue Reading
#SheHacks 2016 Winner – Hackolades [kleo_gap] Hackolades is a safe space to share and celebrate great work. Users post snippets of cool code, images, videos or animations and then receive likes and comments from fellow hackers. There are over 19 million developers worldwide and Stack Overflow has over 3 million unique visitors a month. 12% of Stack Overflow readers are women… Continue Reading
At #SheHacks 2016, we wanted to capture the experience of our hackers, hipsters and hustlers. We think our events are fun (it’s one of our core values), and we like to make sure we share the experience with amazing event pics! These photos were made possible by our delightful photographer Bri Hammond. If you’re looking for more images of Women in Tech,… Continue Reading
[kleo_gap] Planting the seed of charitable behaviour Sprout takes the family pocket money and invests it in charitable initiatives. See weekly pocket money and decide how much to donate. Choose charity based on interests and gifting goal. Learn more about the gift’s impact and commit to donate.[kleo_gap] #SheHacks team members Helen GiapitzakisGeorgina GlanfieldLauren GrimesKelly LaiVictoria Shillingford Continue Reading
[kleo_gap] This idea came from our frustration that we cannot do anything about Australian government’s policy towards refugees combined with our own experiences as immigrants to Australia. We have all struggled to settle in, whether figuring out how the trams work – how to get a driver’s license, or what the best brand of milk is – these little struggles… Continue Reading
#SheHacks 2016 – Learnt [kleo_gap] One-on-one connections based on what I want to learn and teach. “Perfect for onboarding in our fast-paced and often transient offices where the personal relationships are not built yet” David, Head of Strategy, McCann with 120 offices“Reduces time wastage – sometime it takes 5 years and several nights of hard drinking to figure out how a… Continue Reading
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