High school girls and gender diverse folk making friends and building ai together

Supported by

Dream about tech, and make it a reality – together!

Want to learn how to make games? Let’s make one!
Interested in digital art? So are we, let’s do it!
Keen to code? Let’s get creating!
Dreaming of the future? We’re in it together 💕

AI High is a series of free online workshops for Australian high school girls and gender diverse students, where we’ll be exploring a new tech topic together every week. We’re covering things like making games, digital art, programming, and SO much more! 

We’d love to have you join us for the fun. 

Sign up here!

make new mates!

AI High isn’t just about learning new skills, it’s about making new friend to support us on our journey. 

During the workshops, you’ll be able to anonymously chat with other AI High members! We’ll not only be chatting about what we’re learning, but also things we’re interested in – like games, tech, art, and SO much more. 


Coding for Girls - Microsoft Mondays

Sign up now!

If you're an Australian High School girl* - this is for you! Together, let's design the future of AI High!

*We warmly welcome anyone who identifies as girls or non-binary.

Lessons in artificial intelligence (A.I.), coding in Python, Javascript, 3D modelling in Tinkercad and more!

Share your stories!

We’d love to have your students join in on the fun! 
Let us know how we can support you 💕

Lessons in coding for girls. Learn to code in Python, Javascript, 3D modelling in Tinkercad, and more
Are you looking to mentor?

Mentors & Sponsorship

We'd love to chat! If you'd like to join us for a live Fireside session, we'd love to have you 🎉
We'll be talking about all things tech careers, and answers questions from Girl Geeks all across Australia

it’s free – 
so Join us for the fun!

If you’re someone who’s:

  • Interested in games!
  • Keen to code
  • Wants to make friends
  • Keen to help us design our programs
  • Loves digital art
  • A sucker for 3D modelling
  • Or simply interested in tech!

This is for you! We would love to have you join us on this journey 💕

Meet the TEam

Leura Smith
Game Developer
Learning Designer
Cherie Tan
Creative Technologist
Sarah Moran
Lisy Kane
Game Developer

See what’s happening

Telstra Foundation announces the funding of Girl Geek Academy in their latest blog here.
