#SheHacks is the longest-running hackathon series in the world for women and non-binary folk! You will make new friends and build a startup together in a weekend. You will meet people who may become your cofounders. You will be in a room full of people with the right skills to build a company, as we bring together some of the best hackers, hustlers and hipsters from across Victoria. You don’t have to be technical, but you do have to want to be awesome.
Do you want to learn how to build a great business? Do you like making new friends? Are cupcakes and really good tea your idea of a good time? #SheHacks was created especially for you. Forget crunch culture: at #SheHacks you’ll eat awesome food, spend quality time getting to know other people doing amazing things with technology, and work together to bring something new to life. If you’re a Victorian who identifies as a woman/non-binary and are over 18, you’re invited to apply!
Complete you application on our form down below. We will then register you in our preparation course online so you can learn all about #SheHacks before you arrive at your event. So work out whether you’re a hipster (designer), hacker (developer) or a hustler (marketer / communications / sales) and sign up for #SheHacks!
Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinners included, and we can meet your childcare needs. Register now so you don’t miss out!
Let’s be real – we’ve all been to events where the organisers haven’t thought about some of the things our community needs in order to feel welcome. We don’t want anyone to feel excluded or that they should miss out on the fun! We work hard to ensure that our programs are accessible to as many people as possible, and have already committed to the following initiatives. If you would love to join us but have a need that we have not addressed, please don’t hesitate to let us know before signing up at hello@girlgeekacademy.com
In 2014 we ran the first all-women hackathon in the world. Afterwards, we wanted to find other women and non-binary folk running similar hackathons so we could be their friends. But we looked and looked – then we realised no-one had run one before! We then thought “if no-one has done this very basic thing to support us, what about the hard stuff? Who’s working on that?” And that’s when we founded Girl Geek Academy as a company and a movement.
You’ve got tech or coding skills (on whatever platform you choose) that will get the MVP built. For non-software startups you’ll create the logic and mechanics of the MVP or prototype. We’re calling both front-end and back-end developers!
Calling our artists & designers! The look & feel of the startup is your domain. You’ve got a knack for colour choices, adore creative thinking, and work with the Hackers to always make sure that the experience is amazing for your users.
Hustlers keep the project on track, on time and oversee that all the elements have been thought of. Bonus points if you have other skills that your team will love – legal experience, creative writing or anything else that could be used to create a startup!
#SheHacks is more than your average hackathon. We find our cofounders. We build our MVP. We’re hungry, confident and ready to grow.